The Screenwriting Journey: What It Takes to Be a Screenwriter

Who are screenwriters?

The answer to this question might seem straightforward – screenwriters are professionals who write screenplays. Well, yes, but this would be an overly simplistic explanation of what screenwriters do. There is a lot more to the art of screenwriting.

Screenwriters usually work in different capacities on different projects. And even among the screenwriters, there are those who work independently and those who work with agencies or companies. If you’re interested in becoming a screenwriter, this article will provide you with all you need to know about the profession. We’ll take you through the role and responsibilities of a screenwriter, and what kind of projects they’re expected to work on.

What is a screenwriter?


A screenwriter, also known as a scenarist or scriptwriter, is a professional who specifically writes content for the visual medium. This visual medium can be a commercial film (short film or feature film), television show, web series, or even a video game. Their job is to create a storyline, map out the characters, and craft the dialogues for these mediums.

The Role of Screenwriters

Screenwriting is a profession that has been around for several years now. Most people have a general understanding that screenwriters create screenplays. While that is technically correct, their day-to-day job involves a lot more. Screenwriting is not simply about writing plot points and dialogues. As a screenwriter, you need to have a thorough understanding of the media business as a whole. They are usually required to work alongside producers and directors, taking feedback from them while working on screenplays. Sometimes, scriptwriters are also required to adapt a script to align with the qualities that an actor brings to the table.

As with any business, there are risks involved in this profession too. To ensure protection from any media liabilities, it would be useful to get insurance for writers. Learn more here.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the day-to-day job of a screenwriter.

Responsibilities of a Screenwriter


The responsibility of a screenwriter includes the following –

1. Research and idea development


Screenwriters have the ability to create a story from scratch or expand upon an existing concept for a production company. They are capable of taking a simple idea and developing it into something much greater.

2. Developing the initial framework


Screenwriters must incorporate five fundamental components into their framework to create a compelling narrative –

  1. Motivation
  2. Characters
  3. Structure
  4. Storyline
  5. Conflict and resolution

3. Writing or adapting a story in the format of a screenplay

When adapting books or short stories, screenwriters have to convert the story into a script for either a feature film or TV show. Screenwriters then refine the dialogue following the original material, while further developing major plot points.

With an original screenplay, a screenwriter is required to craft the dialogues and actions in such a way that it is easily discernible to the viewers.

4. Pitching ideas for a TV show or movie

Screenwriters pitch ideas for movies and TV shows with the goal of getting hired by a production company or film studio. To increase their chances of success here, they have to be assertive in their pitching.

5. Melding the plot with dialogues and visual elements

A screenwriter is responsible for making sure that the screenplay works together seamlessly. They must ensure that the visuals, plot, and dialogue all come together in a cohesive way in order to create a successful script or story.

6. Script editing based on feedback from producer/director

A screenwriter has to be prepared and willing to make any changes or revisions requested by a producer or director even after their screenplay is completed.

What are the types of scripts screenwriters write?


  • Original: Crafting an original narrative can be difficult; you may come up with a great sci-fi story, but it may still be similar to something that has already been portrayed in other works.
  • Adaptation: Adaptations of popular stories have been used as the source material for films and television shows for many years. Screenwriters can take books, comics, short stories, and even video games and transform them into feature films or television series.
  • Screenplays: Screenplays are an integral part of film and television production, as they provide a blueprint for what will ultimately be seen onscreen. They contain specific instructions for what the viewers are going to see.
  • Pitch: Pitching story ideas is a great way to showcase your intellectual property and can open up career opportunities in the film and television industry.
  • Storyboard: Storyboards are a form of script that is expressed visually. They are utilized by screenplay writers to demonstrate the progression of a story to potential investors and customers. Storyboards are often seen in commercials, animated films, and series.

Wrapping Up


With this, we’ve covered everything there is to know about the profession of a screenwriter. If you’re looking to start your screenwriting journey, note that there is no straightforward way to enter this profession. The key to becoming a screenwriter is persistence. Be persistent with your efforts and stay resilient in the face of rejection.